Adult Autism Assessments


Hendrickx Associates provide online Non-clinical Adult Autism Assessments only. Please read carefully to ensure that you understand the nature of this Non-clinical Adult Autism Assessment and contact us for availability and booking at

All of our Non-clinical Adult Autism Assessments are carried out by Jess Hendrickx.

Sarah Hendrickx only delivers online NHS and privately funded Clinical Autism Diagnosis under clinical supervision at Axia-ASD. For information and availability for a clinical Autism diagnosis, please contact:

What is the Difference between a Clinical Diagnosis and a Non-clinical Autism Assessment?

The Non-clinical Adult Autism Assessment is not clinically verified by a Clinical Psychologist and therefore is not suitable for any formal support requirements: education, welfare etc. Clinical Diagnosis is necessary for children as they may need to access on-going support.

Obtaining an Autism clinical diagnosis can be expensive and/or involve a lengthy wait - NHS wait times can exceed 2 years and sometimes clinicians do not have extensive experience particularly in of the presentation of autistic adults. Our assessments are typically 50% of the cost of a private clinical diagnosis and our wait times are usually within 6 weeks.

The Non-clinical Autism Assessment is ideal for those who seek confirmation that they are autistic and gain a greater self-understanding. In our experience a Non-clinical Autism Assessment is often considered to be sufficient evidence by employers for employment support, but we would advise that this is checked with you remployer before proceeding.

Our assessment process takes the form of an informal, but structured conversation following the pre-assessment completion of a questionnaire. No clinical tools are used (eg ADOS) because we do not believe that these are suitable for use with adults without an intellectual disability. The assessment is based on the DSM-5 and ICD-11 diagnostic criteria but these are applied in a manner that should cause no concern to autistic females or others with non-'classic' Autism profiles.

We cannot guarantee that you could 'upgrade' a Non-clinical Assessment to a Clinical Diagnosis at a later date with a clinical provider. If you think that you may need a Clinical Diagnosis in the future, we would suggest that you choose that route.

If you need a Clinical Autism Diagnosis, we would recommend Axia-ASD. If you live in England, you may be able to acces a Clinical Diagnosis through Axia, or any other accepted provider, via the NHS Right To Choose scheme at no cost.

Adult Non-clinical Autism Assessment Procedure

  • Free initial screening - AQ50 and CAT-Q tests.

  • Deposit (£400) on confirmation of appointment date (balance of £350 payable after assessment appointment and before report is released)

  • Completion of questionnaire prior to appointment

  • 1-2 hour assessment appointment – via Zoom/Skype only

  • Fully detailed assessment report

  • Recommendations for further support if required

Fee: £750.00 - full fee payable regardless of outcome

All availability enquiries and appointments must be made directly to:

Adult Non-clinical ADHD Screening

More and more people are now realising that they may also have ADHD alongside Autism.

If you suspect that you have ADHD as well as autsim, we can carry out a screening as part of the Non-Clinical Autism Assessment, at no extra cost. This is not a full assessment or clinical diagnosis but may help you to decide whether or not to seek one for ADHD from the appropraite medical professional. We use the diagnostic criteria for ADHD as a checklist, asking questions about both adult- and childhood.

**Please note: We cannot prescribe or make any recommendations about medication**


“Thanks so much for yesterday for being a mirror and giving me more insight about the Audhd. I really feel that your work is lifesaving. At least that is the impact I feel.

“My autism assessment was a very positive experience, in spite of the anxiety and nervousness that I felt in the run up. Jess was very easy to talk to, creating a safe space to discuss my life experiences, and added some interesting insights. I felt supported and heard, and am very glad that I took this step.”

“I have to say, from the bottom of my heart, how absolutely wonderful and delightful the ‘assessment’ was! I just had a really enjoyable time talking with you. Very positive experience and such resonance with your stories and sharing. You really made me feel comfortable being myself and thoroughly accepted and ‘met’ in the dialogue. And so - the me I know myself to be when I’m truly comfortable to be myself and not trying to ensure I don’t take ’too much focus’ showed up. Thank you so much Jess. What a different experience than most people describe receiving a ‘diagnosis’ (inappropriate term as it is for this). It was a very healing experience in itself.” Helen, Psychotherapist

“Just a note to thank you and the team again for the amazing work. Jess's report and our conversation was truly a life-changing moment for me that I am so grateful I've had.”

“I just want to say thank you to Jess for taking me through my assessment gently and for the wisdom shared and validation I felt.”

The assessment experience was great, although I am still taking it in. I found the conversation (and ultimately my diagnosis) helpful, valuable and validating. Jess was so knowledgeable, great at putting me at ease and explaining things - I really felt I was in good hands.”

"Thanks to Jess as I have found this process extremely helpful. It has helped me to make sense of so much and I am so glad that I took the step.”

“Thank you very much to Jess for making me feel so at ease and heard during the assessment. I felt very anxious at the outset and Jess made it a helpful, positive and enlightening experience. I feel like it was a very first positive step in the journey ahead to understand myself and create better coping strategies.

"It's been an overwhelming journey, but I've found the experience so validating. I feel like I now have a good starting point from which I can begin to understand how my brain works - and I know there will be a significant positive impact on my life as a result. I am so glad I took this step and immensely grateful for your time, the report and the resources."